
1. An entranceway.

2. A barrier (usually solid) which swings, slides, tilts, or folds to close an opening in a wall or cabinet or the like. For additional definitions and illustrations of specific types, see automatic door, balanced door, battened door, blank door, blind door, boardand- battened door, car door, casement door, cellar door, Christian door, class-A door, class-B door, class-C door, class-D door, class-E door, crapaudine door, cross-and-bible door, divided door, double-acting door, double door, doublemargin door, Dutch door, dwarf door, Egyptian door, elevator car door, false door, fire door, flap door, flush door, folding door, framed door, French door, half door, Holy door, jib door, landing door, ledged-and-braced door, ledged door, overhung door, Palladian door, paneled door, pocket door, revolving door, roll-up door, sash door, scuttle door, sham door, single-acting door, sliding door, storm door, swinging door, trapdoor, unframed door, vertical plank door, weather door, wicket, witch door, z-braced battened door, zambullo door.



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