Glossarycabinet April 23, 2013 1. A private room for study or conference. 2. A suite of rooms for exhibiting scientific and artistic curiosities. 3.
Glossarycabin April 23, 2013 A simple one-story cottage or hut, often of relatively crude construction; see center-hall cabin, continental cabin, dog-run cabin, dogtrot cabin, center-hall cabin, continental cabin, dog-run cabin, dogtrot cabin, double-pen cabin, log cabin, possumtrot cabin, saddlebag cabin, single-pen cabin, stone cabin, tourist cabin, vertical log cabin, Virginia cabin
Glossarycabanne April 23, 2013 A primitive one-room dwelling used by the early French pioneers in the Mississippi Valley as a temporary shelter; had a palma hut
Glossarycaba±a April 23, 2013 1. An open or tent-like structure at a swimming pool or at the shore. 2. Originally, a simple Spanish dwelling