A solid masonry unit, usually of clay, molded into a rectangular shape while plastic, and then treated in a kiln at an […]
A lightweight concrete usually made by adding aluminum powder or calcium carbide to concrete mortar which is subject to autoclave
A natural process of closing and filling cracks in concrete or mortar while it is kept damp.
An addition for hydraulic cement or an admixture for concrete or mortar which causes air to be incorporated in the
Descriptive of the capability of a material or process to develop a system of minute bubbles of air in cement
The volume of air voids in cement paste, mortar, or concrete, exclusive of pore space in aggregate particles, usually expressed
brick suitable for use in contact with chemicals; usually laid with acidresistant mortars.
1. Of a granular material, the total volume of the particles, including the permeable and impermeable voids, but excluding the spaces between the