Bricks bonding at angles and jambs

At the end of a wall at a stop end, at an angle or quoin and at jambs of openings the bonding of bricks has to be finished up to a vertical angle. To complete the bond a brick ± B wide has to be used to close or complete the bond of the \ B overlap of face brickwork.
A brick, cut in half along its length, is used to close the bond at an angle. This cut brick is termed a ‘queen closer’, illustrated in Fig. 56. If the narrow width queen closer were laid at the angle, it might be displaced during bricklaying. To avoid this possibility the closer is laid next to a header, as illustrated in Fig. 57. The rule is that a closer is laid next to a quoin (corner) header.
There is often an appreciable difference in the length of facing bricks so that a solid wall 1 B thick may be difficult to finish as a wall fairface both sides. The word fairface describes a brick wall finished with a reasonably flat and level face for the sake of appearance. Where a 1 B wall is built with bricks of uneven length it may be necessary to select bricks of much the same length as headers and use longer bricks as stretchers. This additional care and labour will add appreciably to costs.

{Walls} 1/(1/2) B thick may be used for substantial walling for larger buildings, such as industrial, storage and civic, for the sake of the appearance of the brickwork and the durability and sense of solidity and permanence where the walling is finished fairface both sides.
To complete the bond of a solid wall 1/(1/2) B thick in double Flemish bond, that is Flemish bond on both faces, it is necessary to use cut half bricks in the thickness of the wall as illustrated in Fig. 57. At angles and stop ends of wall, queen closers are laid next to quoin headers and a three quarter length cut brick is used, as illustrated in Fig. 57.

Cutting the many half length {bricks} (1/(1/2) bats) and three quarter length bricks and closers is time consuming and wasteful as it is not always possible to cut a brick in half cleanly. This adds considerably to the cost of this walling, which is selected for appearance rather than economy.
1/(1/2)B thick wall, finished fairface both sides and showing English bond both sides, requires considerably less cutting of bricks to complete the bond, as illustrated in Fig. 58.It is only necessary to cut closers and three quarter length bricks to complete the bond at angles and stop ends.
Walls 1/(1/2)B thick that are to be finished fairface on one side only may be built with facing bricks for the fairface side and cheaper common bricks for the rest of the thickness of the wall, where the inside face is to be covered with plaster.

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