Walls Strength and stability
Strength The strength of the materials used in wall construction is determined by the strength of a material in resisting […]
A wall is a continuous, usually vertical structure, thin in proportion to its length and height, built to provide shelter as an external wall or divide buildings into rooms or compartments as an internal wall.
Strength The strength of the materials used in wall construction is determined by the strength of a material in resisting […]
The four faces of a brick which may be exposed in fairface brickwork are the two, long, stretcher faces and
These are bricks which are sufficiently hard to safely carry the loads normally supported by brickwork, but because they have
A range of special bricks is made for specific uses in fairface brickwork. These bricks are made from fine clays
These are used extensively for both loadbearing and non-loadbearing walls, externally and internally. A concrete block wall can be laid
At the end of a wall at a stop end, at an angle or quoin and at jambs of openings
Walls, such as garden walls, that are to be finished fairface both sides and built 1 B thick are often
Blocks are made in various thicknesses to suit most wall requirements and are laid in stretcher bond. Thin blocks, used